Additional Resources & Organizations
Check out these other resources and organizations that are also working to combat mental health stigma in their communities!
Honest, Open, Proud Program
Research shows those who have disclosed aspects of their mental illness report a sense of personal empowerment and an increase in confidence to seek and achieve individual goals. HOP is a three-session group program run usually by pairs of trained leaders with lived experiences with the objective of reducing the self-stigma associated with mental illness.
NAMI NYC Anti-Stigma Programs & Resources
NAMI-NYC actively works to challenge and dismantle stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes around mental illness. By fostering open conversations, raising awareness, and promoting education, we aim to create a more inclusive and understanding world for people living with serious mental illness AND their families.
NECT Global
Welcome to your home for information on Narrative Enhancement and Cognitive Therapy (NECT)! Originally developed with support from the US National Institutes of Health, NECT is a manualized group-based psychosocial intervention that is directed towards helping people who have been labelled with a psychiatric diagnosis recover their sense of value and decrease internalized/self-stigma. NECT has generated interest around the globe and has been translated into several languages and adapted and studied in several countries. The purpose of this website it to provide a “one-stop” (and free) resource for information on NECT.